Wonder why we are overweight?

I was at the Las Vegas Athletic Club this morning, as I am every morning, and as I walked out to my car, I was nearly run over by a Blue Ford Explorer. Myself and two ladies all stopped before actually getting into the parking lot and made our comments like 'yeah, when driving in a parking lot you shouldn't pay any attention to the pedestrians at the zebra crossing.' The lady was rushing to get a parking spot that had just opened up in the first row of cars, at the gym....
I don't try too hard to park close to anything, it seems to be more headaches and hassles than it is worth, but at the gym, come on. At the hotels in town the parking is always congested in the 'easy' areas and it is really not worth having to deal with tourists in a parking garage, let me tell you... At the mall, everybody knows what kind of crap you go through at ANY mall, so I don't need to expand on that one.
The gym I go to has a Zebra crossing that goes through the middle of the parking, right to the entrance, so even parking 6 or 7 rows away, there is very easy access. My goal when I go to the gym is to sweat, not to just show up and hope my fat will get scared and run away, that just doesn't happen. I think the gym should make all of the first three rows Handicapped parking, to prove a point. Anybody who is spending $21 a month (great deal, eh!?) to have access to these facilities should understand why they bother to pay money to the gym, for fitness, not for a nice little card that looks good on the kitchen counter where everyone who may visit can see it....
So I think that this proves one thing, we are LAZY, Americans, apparently we are even less fit than the brits now, and that's saying something! PARK FARTHER AWAY, IT WILL DO YOU SOME GOOD!
As for me, I'm going to keep doing my hour+ every morning and make sure I eat right (Lots of protein and fiber, moderate carb and fat intake) in hopes of leaving the 'average'... BTW I am down from 202.5 (in December) to 188, slowly but surely wins the race my friends.
Wow! You even oiled up for the photo.
I just ate full-fat yogurt with parsley and mint and a drizzle of EVOO-- that's why I am overweight. But it was good!
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