Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Moron Immigration, I mean more on....

Here is an interesting article about a town in Maryland that is having a debate over whether or not they should have a day labor center, interesting that governments want to get in on the action of assisting those without the proper paperwork to assist themselves. My suggestion would be this: Someone of questionable background should open a swap meet, there they can supply all of the real American Social Security Numbers to Illegals, and when he gets caught, someone else can take over in a different swap meet, that would at least be building a legacy, something for their people to be er, proud of..... How about finding them fair wages and then making sure they are properly paying taxes.... That would be novel, but I bet that part would slip between the dirty river, I mean cracks..... If you are here legally and need assistance there are more than enough job placement centers that can help you, if you are trying to get daywork because you have no paperwork, GET OUT OF THIS COUNTRY. As for those of you who like to point out that we are not a Police State, we should be, because soon enough you will be the one feeling the crunch from the mass border crossings we are seeing and will continue to see if we don't close our borders.


At 1:15 PM, May 09, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, um. The whole "Police State" thingy? No we shouldn't be one. Ask my baby brother about how much fun it is to live in a police state.
-The Wife

At 8:48 PM, May 09, 2006 , Blogger Z-Man said...

Bring on the police state! Dare I say "Viva La Police State!" We rid our houses of rats. We rid our yards of insects. We try at every opportunity to rid our bodies of parasites and viruses. It's about time people look at this as a pandemic and all out invasion. Why is it always 'give and give, but don't dare ever take away?' Let me tell you THEY don't mind taking away from your children, your taxes, your programs. Give give give. Why not take that which is ours? Legality. There are channels set up to help those in need. Please, help those in need, just don't give away amnesty and citizenship to any and everyone. Citizenship should mean something. Trust me, give it to everyone now, and they will be throwing it in our faces in the future when they are looking for more, and more, until the 'racism' and 'bigotry' are turned against those who lobbied for these people's "rights". In the words of System Of A Down: "Pull the tapeworm out of your ass!"

At 9:04 AM, May 10, 2006 , Blogger The Bass Player's Wife said...

Ok then.

At 8:49 PM, May 10, 2006 , Blogger Z-Man said...

That tapeworm thingy wasn't directed at the 'anonymous' commentor.... just people in general. Please don't take it personally.....


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