Monday, May 08, 2006

Bit the bullet, went to union hall again...

Well, having a slump in gigs, I decided to look into working for the union guys again... This time I had my resume in hand and filled out their application, so we'll see... Part of me is really glad to have opened a door that may help me get work (and if it doesn't, I'll be very quick to demand that the contract/application is null and void, which it advised me to do in writing...) the other part of me is kind of scared about getting tied into an organization like this. I've never been a part of a union, never actually thought about it before, and now it is a real thing I've signed up for, I just don't know if it is good or bad. I guess that I can't make that assumption just yet, that it'll be either, really. I'll certainly enjoy working, anything within my field will be better than working in an office (which I did for two and a half years) and will certainly lead me to experience and contacts, at the very least.

I'm still waiting to hear back from the City of North Las Vegas about my background check, I can't believe that anything would slow that down, it's not like I've done anything except work and play gigs, no time in Sing-Sing for me....

I worked an event this past weekend!! It wasn't an audio gig, it was setup/work booth/tear down gog for Quilted Northern Ultra (Yes I did get some TP) and it was at the Race for the cure, so it was a fun day for a good cause. I went DOwntown to the Fremont Street Experience at 1:00 in the morning (after carefully planned naps the day before) and we set up a huge tent with a Plink styled game and a Team Photo station, then I spent the majority of the morning walking through the thousands of attendees taking pictures with a digital camera, we were giving participants a chance to have their pictures taken for free, they'll just have to go online to download their pictures, then we had to strile everything, load the truck and we were done, all in all a good day!! I found the gig on Craigslist, so I'll keep checking there everyday for more opportunities!!

So I was pretty beat the rest of the day Saturday and fighting off a headache because I didn't pay attention to the amount of sun my shaved nugget was getting.....


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