Protest Day?! THis is why I love ROck and Roll

Yeah, I'd rather not take a day off work (which I'm not going to get paid for) to drink cervesa and 'Protest' the government. I've been driving around Vegas to get a few last things done to finalize our move and I've seen countless cars full of Mexicans who aren't going to work. Wal mart (which I never go to because of the crowds and store policy) was very pleasant. I walked freely through the store and did not once have to ball my fist up and get ready to throw down, it was amazing! I breezed through the aisles and the checkout with no problems whatsoever... I went to The commy store to spend some money because if the immigrant population is trying to prove a point and hurt the business end of America, I'll do my little part to not make it hurt so much, but I do have a theory....
You lose a day of pay and you'll have to work twice as hard tomorrow, who's getting the raw end of the deal, Mane?! Certainly a lot of you will be looking for jobs tomorrow because Nevada is a Right to Work state and the company only needs to want to fire you, great, you really proved a lot by losing your job, now little juan pablo is going to have to really step up his junk peddling at the swap meet, nice guy. You bought extra beer and stuff yesterday so you wouldn't spend any money today, and that hurt who? Didn't have the tortillas that you needed in the fridge, you'll go and get them tomorrow. If you want to feel unappreciated, join the rest of us. I have my freedom and that is all I want (Publishers Clearing house people, that is not a withdrawal of my entry) from this country. I pay them what I need to as a Citizen, and I enjoy my country. If today was this great for me, imagine if we could heard you guys up and take you back to your country, I might like to shop at the mall again....
I also wondered, what if I went to the rally and pretended to be from Ireland, stowed away on a ship or something, would they hold me inte same position as themselves, or would they look at my white skin and hate me. I think a lot of this hatred and anger has to do with their own racism and my fix for that is REAL simple... If you don't like the American people and the way they think, don't invade their country.
Maybe we should mandate military service to imigrants, two years in the feild and then give them consideration.... Train them to overthrow the government they ran away from. Once we get enough of an army made up of gringo's we can just drop them from a C-5 and let them do what they should be doing. then charge the new government for all the training and equipment we put in, carry the two, add interest, we could make a killing, and we could even convinve Arnie to let them have the NAME California, we'd just come up with a new name for that state and change our maps....
All this typing is making me tired, I think I'll grab a Modelo Negra and take a Ciesta by the pool, which was cleaned this morning by a white guy, like always.
Quote of the week --- C. Frey on imigrant protest day --- We'll start to cut our own grass again, I don't see what the big deal is...
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