Big Red when He was not so big, and not so red.....

Here is an old picture I love! Can you say pre-determined vocation? I know I can!!!
Labels: acoustic guitar, acoustic solo, Jon Wolske, music, nasty habits, pubrocker,
Just trying to Rock out whenever I can , and maybe help the world to be a better place.....
Labels: acoustic guitar, acoustic solo, Jon Wolske, music, nasty habits, pubrocker,
And apparently, not so right-handed either. That is one of my favorite photos of you, I am glad your mom scanned it.
Nice Glasses ROCKETMAN!!! I like the smoking jacket/bath-robe look, you should rekindle that on stage now.... Maybe a flaming smoking jacket to match the flaming upright....
Yeah, well I bet we can find some pictures of you that might cause a few raised eyebrows... or perhaps some school papers... hmm??? Just remember z-man, your shared DNA makes you vulnerable.
Yeah Z-man, and some big moscles to go with my RMY pants!!!
Keep on Rockin'!!!
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