Thursday, June 29, 2006

Best $100 Mr D ever spent......

Tommy D, the guitar player in Nasty Habits, just got a computer, seriously, he just got his first computer.... So he's completely new to this whole world of instant-gratification called the internet. Shortly before Mr D got this new joy, I did some searching for him on Ebay, for cheap Japanese guitars called Teisco. I found a guitar that fit his needs (a headstock with the tuners arranged 4 on top and two on the bottom) and proceded to bid. Three days later, I won the auction, for a grand total of $97 dollars after shipping, Mr D was getting a neat old Japanese Teisco. When it arrived, I quickly tuned and stretched the stings (the seller had put new strings on it....) and IMHO it was a pretty decent axe, especially considering it was probably fom the 60's and cost less than $70... Tommy D loved the look of the guitar, and he has a great guitar tech at Thermal Relief who did a complete overhaul (including re-fretting the neck and taking off the old tremolo bridge) with a new hard-tail stop-tailpeice and some work on the electronics, the guitar sings!! Tommy is using the axe for his open tuned guitar for songs like Jealous by the Black Crowes, and Start Me Up by the Rolling Stones.

All in all the guitar ended up costing more than $100, but that was the initial cost and that's what matters to me!! Look for new pics of Tommy D and his Teisco ET-300 from our upcoming gigs!!

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At 10:30 AM, June 30, 2006 , Blogger The Bass Player's Wife said...

So, if I find pink sandals for $50 and have to buy a new dress to match, I still only count the inital cost?



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