Tuesday, June 27, 2006

lazy days of summer.... OR How I spent my day today

So I'm working on a project for a friend, a recording project. I'm doing a lot of guitar tracks, bass tracks and such here at home with the Casio keyboard as my metronome and my microphone taht came with our computer, it actually does a pretty good job (can't wait to get a proper analogue to digital interface, though, so I can really get pro results....) I've been playing all day.. not that I'm complaining, as a matter of fact, it's probably the first day that I've spent almost the whole day playing. I got a lot done, too.. About 5 songs our ot 8 or nine are ready for critiqing and approval, most of them are songs I already knew, now it's just recording them and overdubbing other tracks (one song has three guitar tracks on it, and two bass tracks)

I decided to get away from the glow of the computer monitor so I went and sat at the pool for an hour, what a beautiful day.... the sun is out, there is a nice breeze, the pool was empty...

anywho, just thought I'd tell you how my day is, seems like noone is bloggin these days..... lazy days of summer.......

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At 6:06 AM, June 28, 2006 , Blogger Z-Man said...

Sounds like fun! Soooo.... Where are the links? Huh. The links you PROMISED....... Huh. HUh.


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