Are auto manufacturers forgetting about national security?

Nifty idea, really, put multiple storage bins in the floor area where seats will fold down in a vehicle. I must admit, from a consumer standpoint this looks like a grat idea, and makes the horrible memories of moving a bulky bench seat in and out of a minivan go away! But there is another side to this new trend that I'm not sure people may be aware of. national security. that's right, our general safety is being put at risk by these 'convenient' designs in vehicles. I have no articles to back this up, it just occured to me the other day.
K and I were sitting in line at the Bellagio Self Park entrance (going to dinner) , where the security guards were checking out the vehicles that were entering (which they have donbe at that property since 9-11). THe guards even went as far as to open the trunk of one of the cars ahead of us, very thourough. K an I had no problem driving in, as our back seats are folded down so I can get all of my gear into the Jeep for the weeked. It occured to me, however, that anyone could have anything hidden in the floor bins of their minivan and as long as they don't look 'too suspicious' could then get away with some very disturbing items in their car....
I strongly doubt that, with Las Vegas being both a tourist destination adna business/convention destination, a vehicle with four middle aged men would bring any suspicion, it would be easy to say you were here on business. A vehicle with four 20 somethings or 30 somethings could just say they were having a boy's(or girl's) weekend in Vegas. So the fact that those four 'businessmen' may be driving a vehicle that looks 'ordinary' and none of their cargo is out of the ordinary doesn't mean a thing, what if they have bricks of C-5 stashed in the bins? How safe is any city with these vehicles on the road.
No don't get me wrong, I'm far from a conspiracy theorist (I actually have never made it all the way through that movie from start to finish) and I have no intentions of using my brainstorm for evil, but don't you think that something has got to be done? Forget wire tapping, most of the time they do it, they won't find anything useful, and you'll never know they did it (unless you say something incriminating, then you shouldn't be doing whatever it is you are doing, and you certainly shouldn't be talking about it over the phone, duh, they're tapping the phones now...)
Again, I think that these design ideas will make life a lot easier for those who are minivan bound (although I find the commercial with the wife stuffing all of her shopping bags in the floor so her husband can't see them mildly offensive as it projects the image of men as bumbling once again on the small screen, Come on ladies, like he won't see the credit card bills, please) I must submit that there are dangers to be warned about with this new trend.
If you are a terrorist, Plese disregard this blog post, as there are no ideas for you here..........
My friend hakmed the terrorist says that packing manure n these vehicles is not the best 'bomb' he could think of, but the C-5 would definitely work!
About the 'credit card bills' you mean that those things are attached to something called a "bill"? Huh. Never seen one myself....Perhaps us men-folk are just barely smart enough to get around in this big ole world....(insert wink wink nudge nudge here)
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