Adrenaline, pros and cons

You know that feeling you get when you are playing a great game of your favorite sport, your team is on fire, you are pumping out energy you didn't even know you had, you take a hit into the boards and it doesn't phase you, you are intent on giving 125% as long as your body seems to be willing.... I get that feeling from a good gig! When everything is together, the crowd response is good, I just get this great boost. THis weekend was awesome, we had a good crowd on Friday night, albeit small, and Saturday night the place was hopping and the folks kept dancing all night long.. one problem with getting this adrenaline rush, what's going to happen when it goes away.... Let me set up the scene for you:
We video taped our gig in Indian springs and watched the video last week (several times) to get a good idea of those things that needed work. I noticed instantly that I was not nearly as animated as I thought I was, mostly kicking back and letting the groove flow without looking like I was into it (at least not looking like I was Really into it). THe vocals needed work, but Saturday night in Indian Springs we wre all kinda hosed. When I talk to the audience, I tend to talk really fast, not so fast that you can't understand, just fast enough for it to sound too fast. So I put it into my head that I needed to go back to the more animated, rockstar stance (you know, legs bent at teh knee, axe slung right in front of you, rockin to the rhythm and moving the axe on big hits...) that I used to always play with, and I needed to slow down and focus on diction when talking and singing. THese tips seemed to help, the
Special thanks to my bandmates, Corey, Bruce, Tommy D. WIthout these guys, I would not have the opportunity to get that rush, and to know that I was in a project that was more than just another bar band!! More thanks to Mel, our 'staff photographer', she comes out to gigs with Corey (her hubby) and takes great pictures for us!!!!
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