Saturday, May 27, 2006

What can I say? Nasty Habits Rocks!!

So we had a bit of a lineup change in Nasty Habits, Steve Dixon, a good friend of all of us and our guitar player/singer has been very busy with work (he is an audio guy) and taking care of many different things in his life and we as a band wanted him to know that it's O.K. to handle his business, even if it meant he couldn't give 100% to the band. We didn't fire him and he didn't quit, it's a mutual feeling (I think) and we've made the split without harning our friendship (obviously some hurt is going to be felt).

We had a gig tonight at Indian Springs Casino and man, I really think we can pull this off as a four peice (although looking into another member is not totally out of the question, I think we need to hone our skills with the talented people we have so that we have a better product to sell). It means that I am singing about 2/3rds of the material and I don't think I did a bad job considering. we had 'Uncle' sean jamming too (it was actually his gig that he brought us on...long story) but even without a second guitar I think we will be a force to be wreckend with.

My upright bass is in the depot here in Vegas, but untill the shipping/receiving guy scans it into his system (right now it is there, just marked 'arrived' by the driver) I can't call and schedule to pick it up (and therefore I will have to wait until Tuesday thanks to the Holiday weekend...). I'm s excited about the bass, not only does it mean that I will have another schtick, the band is going to have a cool image peice on stage, it is really going to be memorable!!

Anywho, I just wanted to post about our gig, my voice lasted through the night (even with rehearsal last night) and I think it will be fine tomorrow with the church picnic/summer bash/jam and a nap tomorrow afternoon. We added a second subwoofer to our P.A. and tonight was the first time using it, it sounds awesome (the P.A>) and I can only look forward to the gigs that are coming in the future with great anticipation and a smile!! Good night, I'm going to try to get a few hours of zZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's in while I can!!!

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