Wow, economy freight.....
It's interesting to me that a music store in San Diego would send an upright bass economy freight. I'm still waiting for the upright bass that was ordered a week and a half ago and when I called the shipping comany, they said the scheduled delivery date was June 5th.... June 5th... that is nuts. I can see when it came into Las Vegas, it is here in the depot, it has not been scanned into the system yet, and God only knows if is in in an air conditioned area or not.
When I called the customer service number to inquire about the status of the item, I was told that it was shipped economy freight and is not scheduled to be delivered until June 5, I asked the representative about the area the item is located, she didn't know if it was air conditioned or not, I advised her that this was big and expensive and very sensative to temperature extremes, no response, I told her that if upon inspection the item was damaged because of their shipping/holding procedures that I would have no problem, I would simply send it back to the reatiler that sent it to me, but her company would have a very big problem, nothing, no respone, it's like she was a mindless 19 year old, reading only two sentances from her computer 'it shows here that it was shipped economy and is scheduled to be delivered on June 5th'...... I just love when people care, don't you?!
Labels: acoustic guitar, acoustic solo, Jon Wolske, music, nasty habits, pubrocker,
I feel your pain. I also feel mine. Kidding. If it makes you feel better, my Pottery Barn order is sitting at UPS, scanned and everything, but because they don't HAVE to deliver it until Monday, they won't. So the guest room will stay sheetless.
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