Ahhh, Summer......
Last week showed us that Vegas is going to be hotter than ever, and I don't meen more popular!
Wew had several days that were right under or jusr over 100 degrees, this is easily 15 degrees above the normal temps this time of year. We are going to get a nice break starting SUnday, it is only going to be in the 90's, and they've even shown some days to be in the 80's.
I sat out by th pool for a while on THursday, and man I am still red! I used SPF 50 on my head and face (there's nothing worse than the thought of skin cancer on your nugget) and did not use any sunblock on the rest of me. I learned my lesson, though, and will make sure that some kind of sunscreen is applied. I might actually get a tan this year, and not just on my arms/shoulders....
Jon, I guess you really are BIG RED right now! I remember the fateful day when your mom and I were still dating and we went to Heart Lake Conservation Area for a youth event. I lay under the shade of a tree while Lyn sunbathed in the sun (where else?). She doesn't tan much and stayed pretty white but I got the reflected sun off the lake and had 3rd degree burns and sunstroke. That never happended again - live and learn!
Try aloe - it really cools and soothes.
Yeah, Only i'm REALLY big RED.... We went to the pool again today. It's not the kind of sunburn that has me in pain or anything, just area like my legs that have never tanned are sensative to the hot water in the shower and stuff like that! I'll definitely get some aloe though, just in case! Thanks!
Any story from the norm that starts out " I remember the fateful day when..." HAS to be a good one!
T keeps the aloe in the fridge... I think it's just so that I squirm when she's putting it on......
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