Tuesday, April 04, 2006

To join a Union, or not to join a union, that is my question.

When talking to an audio engineer about my current situation ( waiting to hear about gigs), he mentioned looking at the union hall. Not being a member of the union, I had no idea just what he was talking about. I went to the union hall (I.A.T.S.E.), and really you can only go into a front area with the receptionists at the window. I informed her that I was looking for information, having never looked into a union before. Her response was 'If you come back with a resume, we'll forward it to training and see if we can use you." Right away a union member advised me, 'You do audio work? If you had your resume and your 'blacks' (black pants and shirt) today we could put you to work..." so my question is this:

As a freelance audio person, will joining the local union stop me from getting jobs with the crews that I have been working with (who obviously hire non- union people, yet follow all of the union pay guidlines), or will it really be more work and better opportunities?

If the crews that I have been working with are paying union scale, does that mean that they are not 'anti-union'? I'm just really quite confused. I would hate to continue to work in the way that I have if it would conflict with the union, should I choose to join, and I do like the sound of available work (and steady from what I've heard) that the union has available.... Please leave me your thoughts on the matter, they would be greatly appreciated.


At 6:21 AM, April 05, 2006 , Blogger The Bass Player's Wife said...

Ok, since I will probably forget you mention this when you wake up I will post my jumble of thoughts here.

1) I hate unions, you know that. Having said that, some of my best friends are in unions-- I think it comes froma having a family full of educators or something.

2) I would check to make sure you don't get stuck it some apprenticeship program for years (like the carpenters union does) doing the same work at half rate pay.

3) You mentioned your concern over taking non-union jobs at union pay, but also, I would urge you to check on whatever jobs you may do for free (i.e. church each week, JCC events). Unions can be buggers that way.

4) How politically active is this union? If they are, we need to make sure none of your dues go to political causes, because I can pretty much tell you that THOSE will fall outside your value system (unless you are leading a secret life as a Dem).

5) What are the tangible benefits? Do they offer any sort of group health plan which we could join? This does possibly leave us with another option in the great health ins search.

That about covers my thoughts for now.


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